• F.A.Q.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How to enter the University (the institute of higher education) according the Fund Programme “Education in Ukraine”?

    1.1. First of all, you need to read the information on the website of the Fund http://fundym.net.ua/, choose the University, speciality (special subject), language of education.

    1.2. Fill in an on-line application form on the website and send it to the Fund (it will be sent to the e-mail of the Fund automatically – fund@fundym.net.ua ).

    1.3. Based on your application form we will let you know (by sending an e-mail) that we are ready to collaborate with you. We will contact the University (the institute of higher education), prepare the assistance Contract in obtaining higher education in Ukraine, sign it and send it to you to sign it as well (all the documents will be delivered by courier to your home).

    1.4. You sign the Contract and send it along with other documents required for visa to the Fund.

    1.5. After having received all the documents, the Fund regulates all the necessary procedures and prepares the invitation from the University you have chosen, in order to accomplish your arrival to Ukraine. You will receive the original of the invitation it will be sent to your home address mentioned in the application form.

    1.6. Having received the invitation, you have to go to the Ukrainian Embassy (in your country) and apply for the entry visa. You have to prepare all the required documents for admission (according to the list) .

    1.7. The representative of the Fund will meet you at the railway station/bus station in Ukraine, and will regulate all the questions related to your accommodation.

    1.8. On the basis of the Contract, the Fund will resolve all issues related to the admission to the University (the institute of higher education).

    1.9. By the beginning of the academic year you’ll come to the city of your studies. We’ll accommodate you in a dormitory or an apartment and complete the documents related to your accommodation. You’ll have the coordinates of our staff working with you on all the issues required support from the Fund during the entire period of your studies at the University (the institute of higher education).

    2. What languages can be chosen to get higher education in the Ukrainian Universities (the institutes of higher education)?

    The language of education can be chosen by foreign entrants, according to their preferences. On the basis of the results of tests, those who do not speak Ukrainian or another language of education will be registered at the preparatory faculty (department) for foreign students for a period of 1 year.

    At the preparatory faculty the foreigners learn Russian or Ukrainian, history of Ukraine, country-specific studies, mathematics, geography of Ukraine and other subjects, depending on the  profession they want to acquire. At the end of the academic year all the foreign students have to pass exams. The students who have successfully passed the exams will receive an appropriate certificate and will be admitted  for further training at their chosen institution. Depending on the institute of higher education the cost of education at preparatory courses ranges from 1,500 – 3,500 USD.

    If a foreign student speaks Ukrainian, Russian or another language of education fluently, he/she will be accepted to higher education institutions on the results of interviews on core subjects of secondary education.

    3. Do you accommodate foreign students in the dormitories?

    It is the duty of the Fund to accommodate the students in the dormitories, to register them ad interim of student visa, thereby the Fund legalizes the presence of foreign students in Ukraine.

    The cost of the dormitory varies from 10 to 50-60 USD a month depending on the conditions and comfort. The cost of renting a one-room apartment in Kiev starts from 300  USD per month and depending on the district of residence.

    We guarantee the provision of dormitories or rented apartments to our students during the first year of studies – this is the practice of all Universities in Europe.

    4. Can foreign students work while studying in Ukraine?

    In most countries, where the education for foreign students is paid, the national legislation of the host country allow students to have a part-time employment, particularly during the holidays.

    It should be noted that in Ukraine for several reasons (lack of legislative regulation, etc.), international students do not yet have the right to work and work on probation after their graduation. Therefore, the budget of the education should be planed in advance in consideration of these circumstances.

    5. How many foreign students study in Ukraine today?

    Ukraine ranks 9th in the world in the number of foreign students, this is the evidence of high standards of higher education.

    According to the Ministry of Education 44.082 foreigners were obtaining the education in 2010-2011 academic year in Ukraine.

    More than half of students (30.369) study in the five cities of Ukraine. 12.004 students get higher education in Kharkov, 7.983 people in Kyiv, 4.709 people in Odessa, 3.340 people in Lugansk and 2.333 students in Donetsk.

    Most of the foreign students are from China (6.258 people), Russia (3.886 people), Turkmenistan (3.823), India (2.852 persons) and Jordan (2.566 people).

    Lugansk State Medical University (2.241 people) and Kharkiv National Medical University (1.776 people) follow Kiev Universities in the number of foreign students.

    The Ministry has also noted that 16.500 foreigners get their education in 20 medical institutions, representing 38% of the total number of foreign students in Ukraine.

    6. Why does the Fund initiate the programme “Education in Ukraine?”

    International Educational Fund named after Yaroslav the Wise is the first public organization in Ukraine, working on educational programmes since 1994 and has accumulated a great experience working with educational institutions of Ukraine.

    The fund has cooperation agreements with leading universities of Ukraine and has a network of its branches in all regions of Ukraine.

    A permanent head of the Fund – Valentyna Strilko is a well known public figure in Ukraine, winner of numerous awards, including the Order of Christ the Saviour of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kiev Patriarchate), an international literary prize “Triumph”. Valentyna Strilko has experience in political activity, working in journalism.

    Her active work in education is well known abroad – in Russia, Canada, the USA, Australia, Germany, Great Britain, France, Hungary and other countries.

    The Fund is involved in a broad charitable activity and  supports educational institutions of Ukraine, finances the publication of books, holds conferences on education, works on long-term programmes “Ukrainian school of the XXI Century”, “University Entrant”, “Scholar”, “Personnel”, «Intel – Education for future» and others.

    This experience is the key to a successful implementation of the programme “Education in Ukraine”.
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